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Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln, 1809-2009

Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln are both in the news this week, since today marks the 200th anniversary of both men’s births.  Television and radio stations, newspapers, magazines, and museums are all offering the chance to learn more about Darwin, Lincoln, and their legacies.  But did you know that you can study Darwin and Lincoln from their original writings just by coming to BYU Special Collections?

Special Collections owns several first editions of Darwin’s work, including On the Origin of Species, The Descent of Man, and the narrative of his voyage on the Beagle.

The manuscript collections contain a pardon issued by Lincoln in 1864 as well as letters and legal documents dating from his presidency and his time as an Illinois lawyer in the 1840’s and 1850’s.  Special Collections also owns an 1863 copy of the Emancipation Proclamation issued by the US Government Printing Office.

These books and documents can be found in the library’s catalog by performing an author search and limiting your search to “HBLL Special Collections.”

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