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Sam Brewster oral history (UA OH 118)

Sam Brewster (left), David O. McKay (center), and Ernest L. Wilkinson (right) participate in a ribbon cutting ceremony, 1960.

Sam Brewster (left), David O. McKay (center), and Ernest L. Wilkinson (right) participate in a ribbon cutting ceremony, 1960.

Sam F. Brewster, an international authority on physical plants, was serving as the Director of Buildings and Grounds at Auburn University when Ernest L. Wilkinson decided that he was the man to direct the growth of Brigham Young University. UA OH 118 Oral history interview with Sam F. Brewster talks about his recruitment by Ernest Wilkinson as well as his experiences as director of the Brigham Young University Physical Plant for 17 years (1957-1974).

If you would like to know more about the oral histories held by the University Archives, contact the University Archivist at (801) 422-5821 or gordon_daines@byu.edu.

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